Print Orders are available - Please contact for inquiries:


   1.    Stretched Canvas print on artist hand-embellished:

·        All canvas prints are UV coated and hand stretched on sturdy, premium grade 1.5” strong stretcher frames, and will be hand-retouched, signed and finished with UV protected high quality vanish by the artist. It’ll be mailed to be ready to display at your home or office.

·        Floater box frames, Black, White, Silver, are available to add into your order.

·        All sizes are available, and take 5-9 days to complete the order. Mailed orders will take additional 3+  days longer for shipping process.


Stretched canvas print with Floater frame
Floater Frames

      2.    Fine Paper Prints:

·      Hand printed and individually signed by artist.

·      High quality pigment prints on acid free, 100% cotton rag media with a bright textured, matte finish, 20-17 mil thickness.

·      Long color lasting up to 80 years.

·      All sizes are available, and take 4-7 days to complete the order. Mailed orders will take additional 3+ days longer for shipping process.

       3.    Prints on 14” round coated Steel.

·        The process of them is known as sublimation, where the image is baked into a powder coating for durable and long lasting finish.

·        Over 120 different kinds of images are available now.

·        $98 each, $88 each for 2 or more orders.

·        list of Prints on 14” round coated Steel: